©valdisere-00031731|Andy Parant

Descend the Bike Park Tignes - Val d'Isère Is it for me?

From breathtaking scenery to rides overlooking our mountain lakes and technical trails for the more experienced, we’ve got some top tips for you before you set off, head on the handlebars, on our Bike Park.

The Bike Park For all, with humility

The Bike Park is for everyone, as long as you’re in normal physical condition and choose a course suited to your skill level.

Choose the trails according to your level to get the most out of them, and avoid the risk of scaring or injuring yourself.

Preconceived ideas around the Bike Park

“I know how to ride a bike, I can go to the Bike Park with my eyes closed”.

Maybe, but we’re talking mountain biking here, on sometimes unstable, often changing terrain. On a Bike Park, you’ll be tackling steep slopes and technical obstacles. Even if you’re comfortable on a bike, an instructor is recommended to discover these trails in complete safety. He or she will teach you the right techniques and guide you so that you can enjoy the experience to the full while minimizing the risks.

“I’ve come on vacation with my bike, so I’ll be able to try out the Bike Park courses”.

Only if your bike is a well-maintained, reliable, sturdy mountain bike designed for “mountain” use, with solid tires and long-lasting brakes. Just as you don’t go downhill skiing with cross-country skis, or ride your bike on the freeway, in the mountains you need sturdy equipment designed for the job.

“I don’t need a mountain bike trail map, I know the ski trails by heart”.

The 2 areas, winter and summer, have nothing to do with each other: only the mountain bike signs will guide you to the right mountain bike trails. For example, our black DH trail “Bellev’hard” is located on the blue ski trail “Diebold”!

We appeal to your vigilance and common sense. Study our Bike Park map before you set off!

“If I find a mountain bike trail too hard for me, I go down a 4×4 trail or a ski slope”.

Absolutely not! Ski slopes are much steeper and have invisible obstacles (gullies, rocks). The same goes for 4×4 trails: they’re open to operating machinery (4×4, construction trucks) and may look easy in one place, but become very steep, rocky, muddy or dusty a little further on… For all these reasons, we recommend that you stay on the Bike Park’s signposted mountain bike trails. These are the only routes designed for your practice, and they are safe, signposted, maintained and patrolled by the Bike Patrols team.

“The Bike Park scares me, I don’t want to do big bumps and put myself in danger”.

Some people often make the analogy between the term “Snowpark” and the name “Bike Park”: a snowpark is indeed an enclosed area within a ski area, reserved for skiers and snowboarders to evolve over large snow bumps. But that’s not what a Bike Park is: it’s an area that groups together all the routes for all types of cycling (mountain biking, VTTAE, downhill, enduro, rando…) and all levels (green/blue/red/black).

Your level to explore the Bike Park

“I want to try, but I don’t know if I can do it”.

Don’t worry! We offer a whole range of courses classified by level of difficulty. We advise you to start with the green courses, the easiest ones, and to get advice from a qualified instructor who will give you all the keys you need to enjoy the Bike Park safely.

Our green courses in Val d’Isère: First Ride initiation zone, Popeye (DH ) and Val Pesto (E-Bike).

“I already have a little mountain biking experience, I’ve already done a bit in the mountains and on the slopes.”

You may be an “initiate”, so the blue trails are for you! But if in doubt, start with the green level, which will enable you to discover what Val d’Isère has to offer in terms of the “easiest” mountain bike trails for beginners.

Our blue trails in Val d’Isère: Blue Lagoon and Flowy Jumper for DH, Wood-E-Wood and Flower Power for enduro/E-Bike, Borsalino, Sheepy Steppe and Fée Magique for E-Bike climbs.

“I have good control of my bike and I’m used to mountain biking”.

You’re probably a “confirmed” mountain biker, made for red trails… To find out, try out our blue trails (E-Bike or DH), then go on and try out the red trails!

Our red trails in Val d’Isère: Fast Wood (DH), Tabasco, Lucky Lac, Daï Daï,Rogo Mongo in enduro/E-Bike, Into The Wild and Wild Isère in E-Bike climbs.

“I did the Popeye with a group, we made it, now I want to go for the blues and reds!”

Be careful not to skip any stages: mountain biking is a sport that you learn over time. A descent on a green trail is probably not enough to be comfortable on a blue one.

“How long does it take to do the Popeye as a family?”

We climb to the summit of Bellevarde via the Olympique cable car in less than 10 minutes, then we estimate that a family will take an average of 1h30 to leisurely descend the 15km gentle slope, depending on the length of the breaks at the 3 picnic areas!

“How long does it take to discover the pistes on the Tignes side, and what level do you need?”

To go to the Tignes side, follow the blue DH trails or the Fée Magique VTTAE climb, also blue. We advise beginners against switching to Tignes, as there are no green runs between Val d’Isère and Tignes, or in the other direction! It takes around 1 hour to get to Tignes from the center of Val d’Isère, and the same time to get back. And that’s without taking into account the time spent discovering Tignes’ many slopes.

Beware of thunderstorms or bad weather, which could trap you in the other resort without allowing you to return to your home resort! The best thing to do is check the weather forecast and ask the lift staff.

Your equipment Bikes, Downhill bikes, Enduro bikes, VTTAE, E-Bikes

Choosing the right mountain bike To hit the slopes

You don’t go down the Face de Bellevarde in winter with cross-country skis, and the same goes for the mountain bike trails: they were designed for mountain biking. They’re not flat roads. If you don’t have the right equipment, we advise you to hire some (with protection, advice, etc.).

  • A VTTAE is heavier than a conventional mountain bike, so you’ll simply have to anticipate braking better, but on the Popeye, you’ll have no problem with an E-Bike.

    You can have fun with all kinds of mountain bikes/VTTAEs on the Val d’Isère Bike Park trails, as long as the equipment is in excellent working order and designed for “mountain” use.

  • On average, batteries have an energy storage capacity of between 500 Wh and 750Wh. For an adult weighing between 75kg and 85kg, you can climb the Fée Magique or Into The Wild with a 100% charged battery at the start, as long as you don’t use the “Turbo” mode the whole way.

    On the other hand, to get to and from Tignes without using any lifts, you’ll need to use more economical assistance modes, press harder on the pedals, or plan to set off with a charger for a short break in the middle of the ride.

    Check with your dealer/renter before coming to Val d’Isère. You can always rent a modern, quality mountain bike/VTTAE when you arrive at the resort, or take lessons with a qualified instructor!

Safety first Don't overestimate yourself

Choose trails below your level to get a feel for the area and the level of difficulty of our Bike Park trails. In a group, choose the level of the weakest or least experienced rider, and you’ll be sure to have a great time. It’s always possible to make a new, more difficult descent afterwards! And don’t forget that a qualified instructor will be the ideal person to teach you how to use a mountain bike or E-Bike in the mountains, for even more fun in no time!

The right reflexes In the event of an accident

Notify emergency services (18/112), indicating the station, trail name and, if possible, the nearest beacon number. The rescue chain will then be set in motion. Rescue is free, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to be responsible (mountain bikes, protection, suitable trails).

The bikes patrols will support the fire department if necessary to lower the victim’s mountain bike.

A few basic rules on the Bike Park

  • Suitable mountain bike essential
  • Helmet mandatory and protective gear strongly recommended
  • Mountain biking prohibited in the Vanoise National Park under penalty of fine
  • Pedestrians have priority!
  • Watch out for herds of cattle, keep to a walking pace.

A dozen patrollers maintain the trails on a daily basis for your pleasure and safety.

Val d'Isère On two wheels

Col de l'Iseran closed until further notice Col de l'Iseran closed until further notice
❄️ Winter season: November 30th, 2024 to May 4th, 2025
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