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©Valdisere 00032453 Ok|Anna Ivanova

Love, Glory & Summits Contest

Nowadays, Val d’Isère Le Club has made it much easier for its loyal visitors to prove their commitment to their favorite resort.

Free contest from December 1st, 2023 to November 30th, 2024.

Sweet words

Try to win a place in our heart! Simply write a few words to tell us about your best experiences in the village and leave your message in our letterbox located in the Val d’Isère Tourist Office.

How to play?

1. Tell us about your moments of glory in a few lines (in French or English) on one of the postcards available to you at the Tourist Office.

Simply write a few lines about your moments of glory or your love of Val d’Isère. Your aim is to amaze us, make us laugh or even cry! From sporting achievements to amusing anecdotes, every story is in with a chance of winning!

2. Provide your contact details.
3. “Post” your card in the mailbox located in the entrance to the Val d’Isère Tourist Office.

View the competition rules
  • "Love, Glory & Summits" contest

    Free competition with no obligation to buy.

    Competition available at the Tourist Office in Val d’Isère.

    Rules available at the following address:


    Article 1 – Organising company

    Val d’Isère Tourisme, a semi-public limited company with a Board of Directors, registered in the Chambéry Trade Register under number B 388 667 602, whose registered office is Route de la Balme 73150 VAL D’ISÈRE, (hereinafter the “Organising Company”), is organising a free competition with no obligation to buy from 01/12/2023 at 00:01 to 30/11/2024 at 23:59 entitled “LOVE, GLORY & SUMMITS” (hereinafter the “Competition”).

    Article 2 – Purpose

    The Organising Company is organising a free, no-obligation competition with the opportunity to win 12 (twelve) prizes – one per month – with a maximum value of eighty euros (€80) per prize.

    It should be noted that these Contest rules (hereinafter the “Rules”) may be consulted free of charge at any time under the conditions set out in article 5 hereof.

    Twelve (12) winners (hereinafter the “Winners”) – one per month – will be chosen from among all the participants in the Contest who have scrupulously complied with the conditions of participation defined below, following deliberation by a jury of three (3) people.

    All brands mentioned in the competition are registered trademarks and belong exclusively to their respective owners. Similarly, the intellectual property rights and/or product names mentioned in connection with the Competition belong exclusively to their respective owners. Participation in the Contest does not entail any assignment or licensing of said intellectual property rights.

    Article 3 – Participation

    Participation in the Contest is reserved for natural persons who have reached the age of majority under French law on the date the Contest is launched (i.e. 18 years of age or older), who have a valid e-mail address, with the exception of salaried employees of the Organising Company, partners of the Organising Company, as well as members of their families (direct ascendants, descendants and collaterals) and their spouses, and all service providers who have collaborated in the organisation of the Contest, as well as their families (same name, same address).

    The competition will take place at the Tourist Office in Val d’Isère:

    Val d’Isère Tourist Office
    Place Jacques Mouflier, 73150 VAL D’ISÈRE

    Persons who have not provided proof of their full contact details and identity or who have provided them inaccurately or falsely will be disqualified, as will persons who refuse the collection, recording and use of nominative information concerning them and required for the purposes of managing the Competition. The personal data provided when entering the Competition will be used for the purposes of the Competition and for sending commercial newsletters and information.

    Participation in the Contest implies pure and simple acceptance of the Rules, in all their stipulations, of the applicable rules, and of the laws and regulations applicable to free contests in force in France at the time of the Contest.

    Failure to comply with the conditions of participation set out in the Rules will result in the immediate and irrevocable invalidity of the participation, without any right or recourse for the person having failed to comply with the said rules, in particular against the Organising Company.

    Furthermore, it is strictly forbidden for a Participant to play with several contact details. A single attempt per month per Participant will be authorised for the same person with the same e-mail address.

    Article 4 – Registration principles and procedures

    The Organising Company offers participation in the Competition under the conditions set out in the Rules, which define the practical and legal rules applicable to the Competition.

    To take part in the Contest, the Participant must have an e-mail address; only one participation per month per person is authorised for the duration of the Contest. Each Participant must:

    1. access the letter box located in the entrance of the Val d’Isère Tourist Office, Place Jacques Mouflier, 73150 VAL D’ISÈRE;
    2. fill in a postcard and recount a moment of glory in French or English;
    3. fill in your personal details: surname, first name, e-mail address and country of origin;
    4. tick the box: “I have read and accept the Competition Rules available here:”;
    5. tick the box: “I expressly consent to the collection and processing of my personal data”;
    6. “Post” your completed postcard in the letterbox in the entrance hall of the Val d’Isère Tourist Office.


    The creation of any content that is obscene, derogatory or offensive, violent, contrary to public decency or unlawful (abusive, defamatory, libellous, threatening, invasive of privacy, inciting racial hatred or discriminating against people on the grounds of their origin, gender, sexual orientation or disability) is prohibited.

    In accordance with Article 3, only one (1) attempt per person is permitted per month.

    Article 5 – Publication of the rules

    The Regulations can be consulted directly on the Val d’Isère website:

    Article 6 – Prizes

    Twelve (12) prizes – one per month for a period of one year – will be awarded during the Competition from a selection of items available for sale on the Val d’Isère website at this address: htttps://

    Each prize has a maximum commercial value of eighty euros (€80); it being specified that each prize will be made up – at the discretion – of the Organising Company.

    Each lot includes only the items listed above.

    The prizes in question may not give rise, on the part of the Winners, to any dispute whatsoever, nor to the return of their cash equivalent, nor to their replacement or exchange for any reason whatsoever.

    The Organising Company reserves the right to replace them, in whole or in part, with another prize of equivalent value, in the event of difficulties beyond the control of the Organising Company in obtaining what has been advertised, in particular in the event of a stock shortage.

    In the event of the Winners reselling their respective prizes to a third party, the Organising Company declines all responsibility and shall in no way be involved in this transaction.

    Under no circumstances may the Winners request any financial compensation.

    Article 7 – Award of prizes

    The Winners will be designated after verification of their eligibility to win.

    The Winners will be notified within three (3) days of the deliberation at the end of the month by means of an e-mail to the address indicated in the form by the Participants.

    It will then be up to the Winners to contact the Organising Company no later than four (4) days after receiving the Organising Company’s e-mail in order to be awarded their prize.

    In the event that the Winners refuse to take possession of their prize, they must notify the Organising Company by e-mail.

    In the event that the Winners fail to contact the Organising Company within the aforementioned period, or contact the Organising Company after this period, the Organising Company shall have the right not to put the prizes back into play. Under no circumstances may the prize be claimed subsequently by the Winners.

    The prizes will be sent by post with tracking to the address indicated by the Winners.

    Article 8 – Verification of the winner’s identity

    In order to ensure compliance with these Rules, the Organising Company reserves the right to carry out any useful verification to ascertain compliance with the conditions of these Rules, as well as the identity of the Winners. Any falsified, fraudulent, false, misleading, incorrect or inaccurate indication of identity or address will result in elimination from participation.

    Article 9 – Amendments to the regulations

    The Organising Company reserves the right, if circumstances so require, to modify, shorten, extend or cancel the Contest. The Organising Company may not be held liable in this respect.

    Furthermore, the Organising Company reserves the right to modify all or part of the Rules. Any modification of the Rules will be announced on the Val d’Isère Tourist Office website.

    Article 10 – Liability

    The Organising Company may not be held liable under any circumstances if, due to unforeseen circumstances or force majeure, this Contest and/or the Rules and prizes were to be modified in whole or in part, cancelled and/or postponed.

    Generally speaking, if the smooth administrative and/or technical running of the Contest is disrupted by a cause beyond the control of the Organising Company, the latter reserves the right to interrupt the Contest without prior notice.

    Any fraud or failure to comply with the Rules may result in the exclusion from the Competition of the person responsible, with the Organising Company reserving the right, where appropriate, to take any legal action it deems necessary, including legal action.

    Any difficulties that may arise from the application or interpretation of the Rules that are not provided for therein shall be settled by the Organising Company.

    Article 11 – Complaints

    Any dispute or claim relating to this Competition must be made in writing to the following address:

    Val d’Isère Tourist Office
    Place Jacques Mouflier, 73150 VAL D’ISÈRE
    Email address:

    Applications cannot be considered after 31/12/2024.

    Article 12 – No financial compensation

    No financial consideration or compulsory expenditure in any form whatsoever will be claimed from Participants as a result of their participation.

    Refund requests sent by e-mail will not be considered.

    Article 13 – Image rights

    The Organising Company shall not use the image of the Participants or that of their beneficiaries for any purpose whatsoever, in particular for commercial or promotional purposes.

    Article 14 – Personal data

    The personal data collected as part of participation in the Competition will be processed electronically in order to record participation in the Competition.

    The personal data that must be provided for the purposes of the Contest are identified by an asterisk on the Contest entry form. Failure to provide this compulsory information will result in the entry not being taken into account and the Winners not being awarded the prize provided for in article 6 of the Rules.

    Personal data is intended solely for the use of the Organising Company, subject to the prior consent of the Participants. The information collected is recorded in a computer file used by the Organising Company to populate the database. The data will be kept for three (3) years.

    Each Participant has the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning him/her and/or may object to the Organising Company receiving canvassing messages from the Organising Company, at the following address:

    Val d’Isère Tourist Office
    Place Jacques Mouflier, 73150 VAL D’ISÈRE
    Email adress:

    For more information and to find out about their other rights, Participants are invited to consult the “Privacy Policy” available on the Organising Company’s website:

    Article 15 – Dispute resolution and applicable law

    Any dispute or claim relating to this Competition must be made in writing and addressed to:

    Val d’Isère Tourist Office
    Place Jacques Mouflier, 73150 VAL D’ISÈRE
    Email adress:

    French domestic law alone is applicable to the Rules and to the relationship between the parties to the Rules, to the exclusion of any international agreement. The applicable language is French. Any dispute arising in connection with the Contest shall be subject to an attempt at amicable settlement. If no agreement can be reached, the dispute shall be submitted to the competent courts in the jurisdiction in which the registered office of the Organising Company is located, except in the event of public policy provisions to the contrary. No dispute shall be admissible after thirty (30) days following the close of the Contest.

    Article 16 – General information

    No reply will be given to any request (written, telephone or oral) concerning the terms or mechanism of the Contest, or the interpretation or application of the Rules. However, each Participant may be informed of the names of the Winners on request, once the Competition has ended, by writing to the following address:

    Val d’Isère Tourist Office
    Place Jacques Mouflier, 73150 VAL D’ISÈRE
    Email adress:

    In the event that one of the clauses of the Rules is declared null and void, this nullity shall in no way affect the validity of the Rules or any of their clauses.


A winner

Every month!


Entries are collected and read once a month.

Your “sweet words” will be read by a committee of Val d’Isère lovers.

The funniest, most touching and most impressive stories will be rewarded every month.


A special gift from Val d’Isère will be sent out to the person who will have written the message that most appealed to our jury.

You will then be contacted by email, check your mailbox…

The mailbox

Before the lifts were installed, reaching the peaks required a lot of effort. Back then, Val d’Isère’s medal-holders had the challenge of scaling the nearby 3 000m+ peaks then skiing back down in order to earn their medal.

These avid hikers and skiers had to prove their achievement by leaving a note in a letterbox installed at the summit.

They were then rewarded with an eagle or star engraved on their medal, depending on wich mountain they had conquered, as proof of their commitment.

I join Val d'Isère Le Club

More experiences to enjoy, more excitement!

We are delighted to have you as one of our village’s most loyal visitors! How would you like to make your holidays even better by making the most of our activities as part of our Le Club loyalty programme?

Val d'Isère In all its facets

Val d’Isère is keen to keep its authentic and pioneering spirit and to give you the real mountain experience.

Col de l'Iseran closed until further notice Col de l'Iseran closed until further notice
❄️ Winter season: November 30th, 2024 to May 4th, 2025
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